Always Exceeding Expectations
Since 2014, Silverstone Group USA CORP. has been the dominant force in New York real estate, building a record of success and longevity unparalleled in the industry.
​Competitive Advantage
We are different & Uniquely Positioned
Local Knowledge &
Global Vision
The Management has over 20 years of Real Estate experience in the U.S & Overseas, been through multiple recessions enabled the ability & Knowlege to analyze Investment opportunities differently.
​Proven Successful Trackrecord
Closed more than 100 Real Estate Transactions in the U.S. with a focus on New Yok, the total asset under management exceeds $30,000,000.
Relationship Driven
Real estate purchase decisions can be difficult and complicated, which is why it’s crucial to take an informed approach, we value the relationship more than anything else, you can count on us to guide you in every step of the process.
Interest Alignment
​We are not only acting as your trusted real estate broker but your asset manager after the purchase, protecitng your investment return is our top priority.

About US
Uniquely Positioned with Passion in Real Estate
At Silverstone Group USA CORP. we know the local real estate market. Since 2014 our professional and friendly agents have been helping people like you with all of their needs, from selling or buying and managing new homes, Our sensitivity to the marketplace comes from a single yet powerful perspective: New York City is more than just a market, it's the greatest city in the world, it’s our home.
In the past 7 years, we have been involved in more than 100 residential real estate transactions throughout the nation, total transaction value exceeded USD100MM, our partners have more than 20 years of extensive real estate experience both locally and globally, we value the relationship with our clients more than anything else.
Browse Our Exclusive Properties
We do more than just finding you a livable space; we want to find our clients a property they are happy to call home. We strive to be the most professional agency in the New York area, and that means providing our clients with an abundance of options.